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Show that in case of most efficient triangular      TT�����A�A��L0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����% %   ��� ' ���% Ldk���k�f!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % TTm�s��A�Am�L0 PxTTt�y��A�At�L0 P-Tz�2��A�Az�L0 �section the apex angle is 90 . TT3����A�A3�L0 P mTd�����A�A��L&" WMFC � �l0 T(10)% % % TT�����A�A��L0 P m!0 " ����  ��� ' ���% Ldk��k�f!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % T�m���A�Am�>L0 �Water flows uniformly at a steady rale of 0,6 cumecs in a very      TT����A�A��L0 P eT����A�A��L0 �long triangular flume which has   TT����A�A��L0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����% %   ��� ' ���% Ldk�kf!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % T�m ��A�Am3L0 �side slope 1H: 2V. For critical flow in flume, find      TT� ��A�A�L0 P �Td� ��A�A�L0 T(10)% % % TT���A�A�L0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����  ��� ' ���% Ldk `;k �!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % T`m'�9�A�Am6L0 T(i)TX�'�9�A�A�6L0 P T��'�9�A�A�6L0 pthe depth of flow  T��''9�A�A�6 L0 `(i i) the !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����  ��� ' ���% Ldk<`Vk<�!��?�?% �(   ��� T�mCU�A�AmRL0 |hydraulic depth of flow   T|C;U�A�ARL0 \(iii)thc TT<C?U�A�A<RL0 P % %   ��� ' ���% LdkW`rkW�!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % T�m^p�A�AmmL0 �hydraulic mean depth of flow  % % % TTa"o�A�AmL0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����% %   ��� ' ���% LdXs��Xsy!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % T�nz9��A�An�DL0 �Define Venturiflume. Derive a mathematical expression for measuring         T�:z���A�A:�L0 tdischarge through a�P  % % % TT�}���A�A��L0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����% %   ��� ' ���% LdW���W�z!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % T�p����A�Ap� L0 hvuiturifkime.  TT�����A�A��L0 P �Td�����A�A��L0 T(10)% % % TT�����A�A��L0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����% %   ��� ' ���% LdW���W�g!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % Th[����A�A[�ZL0 u) Define Hydraulic Jump. Briefly explain the case in which Hydraulic Jump can occur. (05)          l&� WMFC� �l % % % TT�����A�A��L0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����% %   ��� ' ���% LdW���W�v!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % T`\�r��A�A\�L0 T.hi�7 TTs�v��A�As�L0 P T\w����A�Aw�XL0 �An Hydraulic Jump occurs in a 5m wide rectangular channel carrying 6 cumecs on aslope of        % % % TT�����A�A��L0 P !0  ' ���%   ���% �(   ���" ����% %   ��� ' ���% LdW���W�w!��?�?% �(   ��� % % % To�A��A�Ao�!L0 �0.005. The depth of flow after ju   T�B����A�AB�;L0 �mp is 1.4m Find the depth of flow before jump. 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