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Passenger Car Unit - Definition & Examples



It is a vehicle unit used for expressing highway capacity. One car is considered as a single unit, cycle, motorcycle is considered as half car unit. Bus , truck causes a lot of inconvenience because of its large size and is considered equivalent to 3 cars or 3 PCU.

Type of Vehicle PCU
Car, taxi, pick up 1.0
Cycle, motor cycle 0.5
Bus, truck, 3.0 (4.o in some cases)
马画cart 4.0
Bullock cart 6.0
Bullock cart (Large) 8.0


  1. Number of vehicles crossing a point on the road during a specific time period. It is carried out for :
  2. Design and extension of existence road,
  3. Traffic trend and pattern,
  4. Geometric and structural design of new road,
  5. Design of footpath, cross wall,
  6. Pedestrian signals,
  7. Plan of one way traffic
  8. Other regulatory measures on the road
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