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Precipitation Measurement - Ppt rate


上的所有形式的降水措施basis of vertical depth of water that would accumulate on a level surface of precipitation remained where it fell. In metric system precipitation is measure in millimeters and tenths. Any open receptacle with vertical side can be used as a gauges for measuring rainfall. These refined receptacles with vertical side can be used as a gauges for measuring rainfall.


  1. 记录雨量仪
  2. Non-Recording rain gauges

The main difference between these rain gauges is that with the help of recording rain gauges we get the rain recorded automatically with respect to time, so intensity of rain fall is also known whereas an observer has to take readings from non recording rain gauge for rain and he has to record the time also, for calculation of intensity of rain fall.



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Depth of rain=厘米收集的雨量3/area of aperture of gauges in cm3

This type of gauges measures precipitation for only a specified period. Any open receptacle with vertical sides may be used for precipitation measurement but because of varying wind and splashing effect. The measurements are not compatible unless the receptacles of same size, shape and exposed in a similar manner. The US national weather service gauges is type of non recording gauges.

It consists of:

  • Collector (receiving 8" 20.3 cm diameter)
  • Overflow can
  • Cylindrical measuring tube of area of 1/19th of collector
  • Measuring scale



Are those which automatically record rainfall without any bottle reading. The worker is not required to record the reading but instead mechanical arrangements are there by which total rainfall is recorded automatically on graph paper. A graph of total rainfall VS time which is known as mass curve of rainfall is plotted by the gauges.

Its three types commonly used are:

  1. Tipping bucket gauges
  2. Weighing type gauges
  3. Float recording gauges

Tipping Bucket1.小桶仪表:

In TBG the collector is funneled into two compartment buckets. When one compartment of bucket is filled with rain water it becomes over balanced and tips such that the other compartment takes its place beneath the funnel. As the bucket is tipped it automatically activates an electronic circuit. This type of gauges is not suitable for measuring snow (without heating the collector).


2. Weighing type gauges:


3. Float recording gauges:



Storage guages用于频繁维修的偏远地区。衡量型储存量仪在没有任何服务的情况下运行1或2个月。

称重式存储指标are designed to operate for entire season without attention. WTSG located in heavy snowfall areas should have collectors to prevent wet snow from clinging to the inside of walls and clogging the orifice. The orifice should be above the maximum snow depth expected. Gauges are initially dry and require moisture for funnel and inside surfaces.

During rainfall of 5" to 6"/hr (12.5 to 250 mm/hr) the bucket of tipping bucket gauges tips every 6 to 7 seconds and takes about 0.3 seconds to complete the tipping procedure, during which some water is still pouring into already filled compartments. The recorded ratio is 5% too low.

  • Error caused by wind in gauges reading
  • 当仪表安装在地面时,它倾向于风倾斜,从而缩短沉淀。朝风向风达到更多的降水。
  • Obstruction due to trees, buildings and un-even topography.

4. Measurement of Precipitation by Radar

This is a modern technique for measurement of rainfall rate. It can also detect local movement of areas of precipitation. The electromagnetic energy released and received back by radar is a measure of rainfall intensity. The measurement is appreciably affected by trees and buildings. However extent of rainfall can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. Use of radar is useful where number of rain gauges installed in an area is not sufficient.

Rain Gauge Network

  • The number of rain gauges and their distribution affect the nature of collected precipitation data. The larger the number of rain guages the more representative will be the data collected. But on the other hand we have to observe other factors also, like economy of the project, accessibility of certain areas and topography of the area. So, one has to look for some optimum solution. In this regard the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has made following recommendations for minimum number of rain gauges in a catchment:
  • In comparatively flat regions of temperate, Mediterranean and Tropical Zones, the ideal is at least one station for 230 – 345 sq. miles. However one station for 345 – 1155 sq. miles is also acceptable
  • In mountainous regions of Temperate, Mediterranean and Tropical Zones, the ideal is at least one station for 35 – 95 sq. miles. However one station for 95 – 385 sq. miles is also acceptable.
  • In arid and polar zones, one station for 575 – 3860 sq. miles is acceptable.

Snowfall Measurement:

Snowfall is often measured with regular rain gauges. Snowfall is measured by the depth of snow using snow survey. Such survey is particularly useful in mountains.

Installation of Gauges


  1. Flatter ground
  2. 避免陡峭的山坡
  3. Avoid sloping down towards prevailing wind
  4. 网站不应该太封闭到建造或森林区域。
  5. All obstruction should be avoided.
  6. Interpretation of precipitation
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